So there’s this super cool family that lives a few streets over from me. This is the Millett Family! I feel pretty lucky to have met them because they are such a great family. We met through a mutual friend who set up a kindergarten co-op for our kindergarteners. Despite the social distancing COVID requires, we still wanted our little kindergarteners to be able to interact and play with other kids. Distance education for that grade level is quite a challenge. Our little group has been a lot of fun for the kids to play, and just as much fun for me to get to know other amazing moms.
Elise and Michael have moved around a lot because of the military. Thank you Michael for your service! And just as much thanks to Elise for supporting him. I really enjoyed getting to know Michael as we took pictures. He ended up being my assistant for the kids’ pictures, and I was so grateful! He is such a great dad, too. I loved the way their kids smiled at him as he would make them laugh.
Elise is a fellow photographer! She is very talented! I was nervous doing her pictures because she is a photographer, but she was incredibly gracious and easy-going. She was happy with anything I suggested, and that made me feel at ease.
Dear Millett Family,
Thank you for being such great models! I adore your smiles and laughs! Thank you for making my job so easy! I’m so grateful to know you all. I think you are an incredible, smart, fun and happy family. The next time our families get together, we will have to bring our ropes and go climbing at Red Rock. I think you would love it. Thanks Millett Family for being so wonderful!