Elsie’s Birth

I woke up pretty exhausted which was normal for that late in the pregnancy. Between potty breaks and only being able to sleep on my side, every morning was too early. But this particular morning I jumped out of bed and into the shower, even though the clock read the ungodly hour of 4:45 am! You could say I’m not a morning person. But not this day! There was no feeling of wanting to pull the covers back over my head! You see, my deliveries always start early in the morning with contractions. That’s when I knew it was time! Elsie was coming! Wake the hubby, we were having a baby!

Living an hour an a half away from the hospital, Brandon was pretty nervous we wouldn’t make it in time. His biggest fear is that my water will break in the car and he will have to deliver the baby on the side of the road. I mean, I don’t blame him. If I were in his shoes, I’d be pretty petrified of that too! So that morning, he was hustling. He hustled showering. He hustled packing. Of course, I knew I wouldn’t get to eat again for hours, so I took my time and made myself some eggs for breakfast. My sweet mother was there taking care of my other kids. She was getting them ready for school.

Finally (it seemed to Brandon), I finished my eggs and we left for the long hour and a half drive to the hospital. He would ask me about every 10 minutes, “How are you doing?” worried my water would break in the car at any given moment. His nervousness was both sweet and annoying. “I’m fine honey! I’ll let you know if anything changes!” He really takes such good care of me!

Coincidentally, I had a doctor’s appointment scheduled that morning. We were very early to the appointment thanks to Brandon’s hustling. Once I was brought back to an exam room, my doctor checked me. He informed me that I had dilated to a 4.5! Things were progressing and that was exciting. My doctor recommended we head over to the hospital.

That’s when I called the best reinforcements a pregnant lady could as for! Soon, 3 of my closest friends were by my side, Ashley, Jessica, and Courtney. I had decided not to do an epidural, so I knew I would need extra help. We walked. And walked. And walked. You know the scene well, I’m sure. Brandon, along with my friends, was the greatest distraction! Each played such an important role. Brandon never left my side. He never once said, “I’m tired of walking, is it ok if I sit?” He was a rock the whole time.

Ashley has this amazing gift. She has the gift of laughter. It’s this uncanny ability to make you laugh at the smallest things.  She would crack jokes at just the perfect time to make me laugh instead of groan, haha! She brought lavender and rubbed my feet when I didn’t want to walk anymore. She timed each contraction to let me know they were almost done. She also has a photographic eye. Every picture in this post is because of her determination to capture the experience! She has an artistic eye. I will forever treasure each and every one of these pictures that tell the story of Elsie’s birth.

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Murphy Family

Kids filed into the gymnasium. It’s where they always gathered as a school. It was another regular day at the elementary school. Respect shirts could be seen worn by students and faculty. Invited parents had taken seats in the back. After the assembly, Mrs. Murphy, the principal, asked the kids to stand. Projected onto the screen was something unexpected. Something that you wouldn’t see in most elementary schools, but something that reflected Mrs. Murphy’s spontaneous personality. The Tooty Ta dance. Now if you’ve never danced to the Tooty Ta dance, stop reading and do so now!

As the song started, you could hear some kids giggling over here, and some over there. Simple moves, thumbs up, elbows back, feet apart, knees together, bottoms up, tongues out, eyes shut, turn around. It was not long and everyone was laughing! Mrs. Murphy was at the front, showing her moves, being the silly, fun, and cheerful principal as she always is. Parents pulled out their phones to video the comical scene. There wasn’t a single kid in the gym who didn’t enjoy themselves that morning.

Mrs. Murphy, you are the best principal I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. I see your love for each child. I admire the way you can turn anything boring into something really engaging. You are a lady of class and confidence! You radiate goodness. Your enthusiasm for life is infectious. I loved being able to photograph your family. I loved your willingness to trek through the weeds and stickers in a dress for this desert session! You and your family have an easy-going attitude that made for an evening of laughter. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you, your wonderful husband, and your talented sons over the short time I’ve been here. You guys are the reason my job is so enjoyable. Thank you for being wonderful!

My Best Friend

It was a normal day, just like any other in Carson City, Nevada. The sun was shining on a spring morning. I was taking care of my little girl when the phone rang. It was Courtney, my best friend, calling as she often did just to say hi and if I needed anything from the store. Then she asked me to do her a favor. Of course my response was, “Anything! You’re ALWAYS serving me!” She chuckled as she said, “Can you just ask me how old I am?” I had to laugh! It was her birthday the following day.

“How old are you Court?”

“29 Cass, I’m 29! I’m just 29 years old. Just in case you were wondering, I’m 29 today!”

“Courtney, one more time, how old did you say you are?”

“Oh I’m just 29 today Cass. Twenty…..Nine.”

We laughed and laughed! Then, the day before I turned 30, I had to call and return the favor. Courtney and her sweet husband, Dan, are always making me laugh. Their smiles and happiness are contagious!

She is also a labor and delivery nurse which has been a great source of knowledge to me over the years. Recently, she was there for the birth of my fourth child. I couldn’t have asked for a better advocate, right next to my husband, Brandon.

Courtney, you are the greatest friend in the entire world! You are always looking out for the interests of others, wanting to serve them at any given opportunity, no matter how busy you are with your own family. Your intentionality with parenting is moving and such an inspiration to me. The way you teach your children to be kind, good listeners and serve others is a direct reflection of the exceptional parent you are. I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to call you friend. I love you all, Budd Family!

Wright Family

Meet the Wright family! I’m so grateful I have been able to get to know this family. They are an example of strength, faith and courage to me. They are the kind of family that bonds together during hard times, not separate. They are moving away after putting down some roots, so it was my privilege to take their photos. Its always hard to start over and move some place new, but I know this family will be just fine. They are easy to love and will make friends fast in their new area. I’m just hoping to stay in touch! Thank goodness for social media to make it super easy! I love you, Wright Family!

Knight Family

Meet one of my sweetest, dearest friends, Ashley. She has this amazing family, you see. Four little boys, a sweet husband, and then came her beautiful daughter. She’s the kind of person who never judges you. She’s the kind of person who makes extra pumpkin muffins just to share with you. She’s the kind of person who laughs at the simple things in life. She’s always inspiring me to be my best self. She is the easiest going person you’ll ever meet, not to mention completely generous and beautiful! This session was crazy with rain and wind that came from nowhere, but they were total troopers to run from the car to the weeds to get a few shots when the rain lightened up!  Gosh I love this family!


This is my sweet little girl, Kiera. She chose to be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I feel pretty lucky to have her in my life. She is more patient than me, more kind than me, and more fun usually! I just love her so much! We got her a beautiful white dress for the occasion and couldn’t resist a photoshoot! Here’s a few of my favorites!

Laighton + Katie + Kids

I just love when a session comes together as flawlessly as this, from the perfect light right down to all the cool hair cuts! This is such a sweet family, each and every one of them. I feel like this family has the “cool smile” nailed down. Laighton and Katie are such amazing parents, people who I want to emulate. They are completely intentional in all they do. I really look up to them. I am so so grateful I had the opportunity to do their family pictures. I love you Laighton and Katie and your sweet kids!

Emerick Family

Meet the Emericks! Ok, ok, this happens to be my sister, Emily, and her amazing family. Isn’t she beautiful!?! And aren’t all those girls beautiful!? Jared, my brother-in-law, is the best dad and husband, and I admire him so much. I absolutely love photographing this family! Their positive energy and enthusiasm is infectious! Emily nailed it on the location, the outfits and even the weather! These guys make my job so easy!

Eric + Alisha

Meet Eric and Alisha, and their super sweet family! I could’ve taken their pictures all day, literally! They have the BEST smiles and such a fun energy. I’m lucky enough to call these guys family too! 🙂 But seriously, aren’t they the cutest family!? I really had the best session, thanks Eric & Alisha!!

Nick + Lisa + Kids

After our anniversary session, we got to do family pictures! Nick and Lisa have four beautiful children. Each one has their own personality, full of genuine love you can feel. They were so excited to get in front of the camera which is a photographer’s dream! They were so much fun and so easy to work with. These are just a few of my favorites.