Lindsi reached out to me for family pictures when they got together for a family reunion here in Las Vegas. It was really fun to meet her and Daniel’s four beautiful children and two of their significant others. Lindsi’s parents came for the reunion too! Lindsi and Daniel have raised really great kids. It was really enjoyable for me to meet them and get to know each of them.
Each child/couple lives from a different city, so it was really cool that they all came together for some quality family time. One couple lives in northern Nevada, one couple in Oregon, grandparents in Idaho, and the rest from Colorado. I know how hard it can be to coordinate schedules and get everyone to one location. My siblings are all spread out too. I loved seeing this sweet family make their family a priority.
When I asked how they were dealing with the heat, I felt pretty bad for Lindsi’s parents who are from Idaho. I’m also from Idaho, and this Vegas heat can be awful! I definitely sympathized with them. They are lovely grandparents, and real troopers to come out in July to Vegas.
Dear Blanco Family,
You guys are really fun to be around! I bet if you lived here, we would go hiking or climbing together. We would totally be friends! You all made my job so easy. Especially the girls, you are all so beautiful and photogenic! Thank you, Lindsi for reaching out and asking me to take pictures! I loved meeting you all. I hope the rest of your week was amazing and relaxing. I hope you made memories that will last forever! Thank you all so much!